Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Capital City: Canberra (also Capital City of Australia)

Population: Approx. 346,000

Climate: Summer 12-27oC; Winter 3-12oC

Flight Hours: No direct flight

Time Difference: Wintertime: HK time + 2hrs; Summertime; HK time + 3hrs

Year 12 Qualification: Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Description: Australian Capital Territory is located at the southern part of New South Wales and its main city Canberra, is also the capital city of Australia. The Federal Government is based in Canberra. The Parliament House is the landmark of the city.


*Flight hours is only an estimate

*Wintertime refers to Australia's winter i.e. summer in Hong Kong

*Summertime refers to Australia's summer i.e. winter in Hong Kong

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